时间 : 2018-03-26
Lecture for Tuberculosis Prevention Conducted in BJTU Weihai
On March 22, Mr. ZOU Ji-yang, Vice-Director of Wendeng Dermatology Hospital, gave a lecture to Weihai Campus students on how to prevent and combat TB, historically called "consumption". The young people were taught how to protect themselves from getting infected with TB and raise consciousness of self-protection, and awareness of respecting the infected. Prevention of TB involves screening those at high risk, early detection and treatment, as well as vaccination. The symptoms of active TB are a chronic cough with blood-containing sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Tuberculosis is spread through the air when coughing, spitting, speaking, or sneezing.



通讯员:杨燊 赵筱芃 叶爱慧