National Undergraduate Electronics Design Contest is one of the Undergraduate Subject Competitions jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Industry and information technology. It is a large-scale scientific and technological activity for college students. The purpose is to promote the reform of the curriculum system and broaden content of information and electronic subjects in Colleges and universities, help colleges and universities implement quality education, and cultivate students' practical and innovative consciousness and basic ability.
全国大学生电子设计竞赛(National Undergraduate Electronics Design Contest)是教育部和工业和信息化部共同发起的大学生学科竞赛之一,是面向大学生的群众性科技活动,目的在于推动高等学校促进信息与电子类学科课程体系和课程内容的改革,有助于高等学校实施素质教育,培养大学生的实践创新意识与基本能力、团队协作的人文精神和理论联系实际的学风;有助于学生工程实践素质的培养、提高学生针对实际问题进行电子设计制作的能力;有助于吸引、鼓励广大青年学生踊跃参加课外科技活动,为优秀人才的脱颖而出创造条件。