At the beginning of the lecture, we introduce RIT furniture design department's long history and outstanding artists and works. Students will be exposed to a wide range of contemporary practices, creative design and artistic creative methods to support the development of creative thinking, personal aesthetics and design ideas. Combined with carefully choreographed courses from the use and maintenance of manual tools, in-depth study of a variety of tools and design topics. Let students pursue their creative interest, but also provide students with the technical background of contemporary carpentry.
2021年3月3 10:30-12:00
高雅惠,自由艺术家,家居产品设计师,常驻美国和中国。本科就读于中央美术学院;研究生毕业于美国罗切斯特理工大学,家具设计与制造专业。她专注于家居产品的设计、研发和制作,强调尽善尽美的结构细节和高质量的生产技术工艺。曾多次受邀参加国内外艺术及家具展览,并获得多个奖项。人与家具与家,三者之间的和谐互容是高雅惠关注的重点。她设计和创作的家居作品带来意想不到的舒适, 营造了一种精致的氛围,使人联想到家 —— 一个放松、快乐的环境。