BJTU Weihai Debating Team Participated in the East China Regional Competition of CUDC
时间 : 2022-10-19
来源 : 教师发展与全球事务部 作者: 潘悦
During October 15 and 16, 2022, the English Debating Team of Beijing Jiaotong University Weihai Campus participated in the China Universities Debating Championship (CUDC) together with 60 university teams from East China Region. The BJTU Weihai Team, XIONG Buhan and WANG Yuan met with representatives from 15 universities and finally won a third prize in the East China Regional Competition .
全国大学生英语辩论赛(CUDC) 由全国翻译专业学位教育指导委员会指导、中国外文局CATTI项目管理中心主办,包含校选赛、大区赛、全国决赛排位赛和总决赛,于2021年首次举办,参赛人次达10万人。与“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛相比,CUDC英辩赛评委团体更加国际化,由国内外一线英语辩论专家、评委担任。
CUDC英辩赛与“外研社杯”英辩赛都采用英国议会制辩论规则,辩题在比赛前15分钟公布,每轮辩题均不相同。每场辩论由四个队伍参加,正方两队,反方两队。每队两名辩手,每队各自准备,按照正方1队一辩(Prime Minister 首相)、反方1队一辩(Leader of Opposition 反对党领袖)、正方1队二辩(Deputy Prime Minister 副首相)、反方1队二辩(Deputy Leader of the Opposition 反对党副领袖)、正方2队1辩(Member of the Government 内阁成员)、反方2队1辩(Member of the Opposition反对党成员)、正方2队二辩(Government Whip内阁党鞭)、反方2队2辩(Opposition Whip反对党党鞭)轮流发言。每个辩手各司其职,发言7分钟,中间5分钟可接受质询。
第1轮. This house will only allow athletes to represent their country of birth at national competitions (examples including but not limited to World Cup, Euros, Olympics, etc.).
第2轮. This house prefers a world where individuals rely on logic not on emotions
第3轮. This house would make social welfare benefits contingent on the performance of their child at school.
第4轮. This house believes that in developing countries, welfare schemes should prioritize job creation over resource subsidization (e.g. provision of food, gas, equipment).
第5轮. A white lie is a lie about a small or unimportant matter that someone tells to avoid hurting another person. For example, you might lie about liking your friend’s new haircut to please and not irritate the friend, whole secretly disliking the haircut.
This house believes that white lies do more harm than good.